
How To Sell A Business Using An ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan)

Selling Your Company To Your Employees (ESOP).

Introduction: What Is An ESOP

In today's ever-evolving business landscape, entrepreneurs and founders of privately held companies are exploring innovative strategies to secure the future of their companies while maximizing the benefits for all stakeholders. One such strategy gaining traction is the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), a retirement plan that presents an opportunity for founders to "sell" their business to their employees.

ESOPs allow employees to become owners of the company they work for by acquiring shares in the business. These shares are held in a trust on behalf of the employees, creating a sense of shared ownership and aligning their interests with the long-term success of the company. The employees, in essence, become the new owners of the business, creating a powerful dynamic where their dedication, commitment, and engagement are directly tied to the company's performance. By granting ownership stakes, ESOPs empower employees to have a tangible stake in the success of the company, driving them to go above and beyond to contribute to its growth and prosperity.

Moreover, ESOPs offer founders an opportunity to transition their business in a way that maintains its legacy while ensuring its long-term sustainability. By selling the business directly to the employees, founders can entrust the company to those who understand its intricacies and have a vested interest in its continued success. This seamless transition not only secures the future of the business but also allows founders to witness the legacy they built thrive under new ownership.

ESOPs are not a one-size-fits-all solution, and careful consideration is necessary to determine if they align with the objectives and dynamics of a particular business. However, with their ability to create a shared sense of ownership, ESOPs are increasingly being recognized as a viable option for founders, business owners, and entrepreneurs seeking a way to sell their business while preserving its values and ensuring its long-term prosperity.

Preparing Your Business For An ESOP

Employee Stock Ownership Plan Compatibility

When considering an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) as an exit strategy for your company, it is essential to evaluate its compatibility with your company's characteristics and culture. While ESOPs can be a beneficial option for many businesses, certain factors indicate a higher likelihood of success. Here are some key considerations to determine if your business is a good fit for an ESOP:

  • Financial Stability and Growth Potential: ESOPs tend to thrive in businesses with a strong track record of profitability and a positive growth trajectory. A history of consistent financial performance demonstrates the potential for continued success under an employee ownership structure. Potential ESOP buyers, i.e., your employees, will be more inclined to invest in a business that exhibits stability and growth potential.

  • Size and Structure: ESOPs are generally better suited for mid-sized to larger companies due to the complexities involved in establishing and maintaining the plan. Companies with a sufficient number of employees and revenue can effectively spread the costs and administrative responsibilities associated with implementing and managing an ESOP.

  • Employee Ownership Culture: The success of an ESOP hinges on the willingness of your employees to embrace and actively participate in an ownership culture. Businesses with a preexisting culture of employee involvement, engagement, and accountability tend to be more compatible with an ESOP. Assess whether your employees exhibit a strong sense of loyalty, commitment, and a desire to contribute to the company's long-term success.

  • Long Term Vision: ESOPs are designed to provide employees with a stake in the company's future. It is crucial to align your long-term vision and goals with the idea of shared ownership. If you have a strong desire to maintain the legacy of your business, ensure its continued success, and reward your dedicated workforce, an ESOP can be an excellent fit.

  • Management Team and Succession Planning: Evaluate the capabilities and commitment of your management team. A robust and experienced leadership team is instrumental in facilitating a smooth transition to an ESOP structure. Consider if you have a succession plan in place and if your management team is willing and capable of supporting the transition effectively.

  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Assess the legal and regulatory requirements associated with ESOPs. Ensure that your business can meet the fiduciary responsibilities, disclosure obligations, and other compliance aspects associated with establishing and maintaining an ESOP. Seeking guidance from legal and financial professionals experienced in ESOP transactions is highly advisable.

Determining the fair market value of your business

Accurately assessing the value of the business is a fundamental step in selling your business, whether to an ESOP, Private Equity, or strategic buyer.

  • Professional appraisers: Professional appraisers can provide you with an objective valuation of your business. They will consider factors such as your company's financial performance, its assets, and its market position.

  • Financial advisors: Financial advisors can also help you determine the fair market value of your business. They will use their knowledge of the market and their experience in valuing businesses to provide you with an accurate valuation.

  • Online valuation calculators: There are also online valuation calculators that can help you get a ballpark figure for the value of your business. However, it is important to note that these calculators are not always accurate.

Structuring the sale

  • Percentage of shares to be sold: How much of your business do you want to sell to the ESOP? This will depend on your individual circumstances and goals.

  • Financing mechanisms: How will the ESOP finance the purchase of your shares? There are a number of different financing options available, such as seller financing, third-party financing, or a leveraged buyout.

  • Timeline for the transition: How long do you want the transition process to take? This will depend on a number of factors, such as the size of your business and the complexity of the sale.

Financing An ESOP

An ESOP can be financed through various mechanisms, depending on the specific circumstances of the transaction. Here are some common financing options for ESOPs:

  • Seller Financing: In many cases, the seller of the business provides financing for the ESOP transaction. This means that the ESOP borrows funds from the selling shareholder(s) to purchase the company's shares. The terms of the financing, such as interest rate, repayment schedule, and collateral, are negotiated between the seller and the ESOP. Seller financing allows for flexibility in structuring the transaction and can be a mutually beneficial arrangement.

  • Bank Loans / Debt: ESOPs can secure financing from banks and financial institutions. The ESOP entity itself, backed by the company's assets and the shares being acquired, can obtain a loan to fund the purchase of shares. The terms of the loan, including interest rate, repayment schedule, and collateral, are negotiated between the ESOP and the lending institution. It is essential to present a solid business case and demonstrate the ability to repay the loan when seeking bank financing.

  • Additional External Financing Solutions: ESOPs can also explore external financing sources, such as mezzanine financing or third-party investors. Mezzanine financing involves a combination of debt and equity instruments, which may include subordinated debt, preferred stock, or convertible securities. Third-party investors can provide additional capital to support the ESOP transaction in exchange for equity ownership or other financial arrangements.

Closing The Sale

  • Executing legal documents: Once the financing is in place, the legal documents for the sale will be executed. This includes the ESOP trust agreement, the purchase agreement, and the financing documents.

  • Transferring ownership to the trust: Once the legal documents are executed, the ownership of the shares will be transferred to the ESOP trust.

  • Implementing the governance structures: The ESOP trust will then implement the governance structures necessary for the ESOP to function effectively. This includes establishing a board of directors and a management committee.

The Pros and Cons of Selling Your Business Using an ESOP

As with any business decision, it is essential to thoroughly evaluate the pros and cons of selling your business through an ESOP, taking into account your specific circumstances, objectives, and priorities. Consulting with professionals experienced in ESOP transactions can provide valuable guidance to navigate the complexities and make an informed decision.

Pros of selling your business using an ESOP

  1. Enhanced employee morale and productivity: Selling your business through an ESOP provides employees with a sense of ownership and pride. As owners, they are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and committed to the long-term success of the company. This heightened morale and productivity can lead to improved business performance and overall company culture.

  2. Retention and attraction of talent: ESOPs can be a powerful tool for attracting and retaining top talent. The opportunity to become an owner of the company is an enticing benefit that can incentivize skilled employees to stay with the business for the long term. This stability in the workforce can contribute to the continued growth and success of the company.

  3. Tax advantages: Depending on the structure and circumstances, selling your business through an ESOP can offer tax advantages for both the seller and the company. For example, the proceeds from the sale may be tax-deferred if reinvested in qualified replacement securities, potentially reducing the immediate tax burden.

  4. Potential for smoother transitions: ESOPs provide a structured and gradual transition of ownership. This allows for a smoother transfer of leadership and can help maintain business continuity. By selling to employees who are already familiar with the company's operations, values, and culture, you can ensure a seamless transition that upholds the business's legacy.

Cons of selling your company using an ESOP

  1. Complexity: Selling your business through an ESOP involves a unique and complex process compared to traditional sales. ESOP transactions require legal, financial, and administrative expertise to navigate the intricacies of structuring the sale, establishing the trust, and implementing the necessary governance structures. The additional complexity should only be entrusted to experts with vast experience in Employee Stock Option Plan creation, and can prolong the sale process and increase transaction costs.

  2. Potential financial trade-offs: When selling to an ESOP, the founder may receive less upfront cash compared to selling to a traditional buyer. ESOPs typically involve a gradual purchase of shares, meaning that the founder may receive payments over time rather than a lump sum. While this can have tax advantages and ensure ongoing income, it may not meet the immediate financial needs or preferences of the seller.

  3. Reduced control: By selling your business to employees through an ESOP, you relinquish a portion of your control over the company. As employee-owners, the workforce will have a say in the decision-making process, potentially impacting strategic direction and operational choices. While this can foster a collaborative environment and help to maintain corporate culture and legacy, it may require adjusting to a more decentralized decision-making structure.

  4. Regulatory and fiduciary responsibilities: Establishing and managing an ESOP comes with regulatory requirements and fiduciary responsibilities. Compliance with laws and regulations, such as the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), can involve ongoing administrative burdens and costs. Additionally, the fiduciaries responsible for managing the ESOP must act in the best interests of the plan participants, which adds another layer of responsibility and potential liability.

ESOP Case Study: New Belgium Brewing Company

The concept of employee ownership is not new, but the popularity of ESOPs has been steadily rising in recent years. According to data from the National Center for Employee Ownership ("NCEO"), an increasing number of businesses are recognizing the value of ESOPs as a viable option for transferring ownership and cultivating a robust ownership culture. In fact, studies have shown that the number of ESOPs in the United States has been steadily growing, with over 6,600 ESOPs covering 14 million employees and holding over $1.4 trillion in assets.

New Belgium Brewing Company, renowned for its commitment to sustainability and craft beer excellence, stands as a shining example of a successful transition to employee ownership through an ESOP. Founded in 1991 in Fort Collins, Colorado, the company embarked on a unique path by becoming 100% employee-owned in 2012. However, in 2019, New Belgium Brewing made headlines once again as it announced its sale to a private equity firm, marking the end of its remarkable tenure as an employee-owned company. Let's delve into this inspiring case study of New Belgium Brewing's journey through employee ownership.

New Belgium Brewing Company ESOP Case Study.

The ESOP Era at New Belgium Brewing (2012-2019)

In 2012, New Belgium Brewing made headlines by becoming 100% employee-owned through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), as its founders Kim Jordan and Jeff Lebesch sold their respective shares of the business to employees. The ESOP allowed the company's employees to acquire ownership stakes and have a say in the business's future. This move showcased the company's commitment to its employees, fostering a sense of shared ownership, engagement, and long-term commitment to the success of the company.

During the ESOP era, New Belgium Brewing experienced significant growth and success. With the employees as owners, the company maintained its culture of innovation, sustainability, and quality craftsmanship. The ESOP structure encouraged collaboration, creativity, and a deep sense of pride among the workforce.

Transitioning to New Ownership

In late 2019, New Belgium Brewing made the difficult decision to sell the company to an external buyer—a private equity firm, Lion Little World Beverages. The decision came after careful consideration of various factors, including succession planning, market dynamics, and the long-term viability of the business.

The sale to the private equity firm marked the end of New Belgium Brewing's tenure as an employee-owned company. The employees had the opportunity to cash out their ownership stakes, receiving financial compensation for their years of dedication and contributions. While this marked a departure from the employee-owned model, it provided employees with a significant financial opportunity and rewarded their commitment to the company.  In a letter from cofounder and former CEO Kim Jordan, she highlighted "the completion of the sale will mean more than 300 New Belgium employees will receive more than $100,000 in retirement money, with some employees receiving more." All told, New Belgium’s ESOP reportedly paid nearly $190 million to its current and former employees.

Legacy and Lessons Learned

New Belgium Brewing's journey serves as a powerful case study in employee ownership and transition planning. The company's success under employee ownership demonstrated the effectiveness of fostering an ownership culture, with employees actively invested in the company's success.

Although the decision to sell to a private equity firm marked the end of the employee-owned era, New Belgium Brewing's legacy remains strong. The company's commitment to sustainability, innovation, and quality craftsmanship continues under new ownership.

The New Belgium Brewing case study underscores the potential benefits of ESOPs and employee ownership, such as increased employee engagement, loyalty, and long-term commitment. It also highlights the importance of strategic planning and weighing various factors when considering a transition to new ownership.

Additional Resources for Business Owners Considering Selling Their Business Using an ESOP

If you are a business owner who is considering selling your business using an Employee Stock Ownership Plan, there are a few resources that can help you get started.

One resource is the National Center for Employee Ownership: https://www.nceo.org/, which provides research and education on employee ownership. The NCEO has a website with a wealth of information on ESOPs, including articles, webinars, and case studies.

Another resource is the ESOP Association: https://esopassociation.org/, which is a trade association for ESOP companies and advisors. The ESOP Association has a website with a directory of ESOP advisors, as well as resources on how to set up and manage an ESOP.

Finally, the Employee Ownership Foundation: https://employeeownershipfoundation.org/ is a nonprofit organization that promotes employee ownership. The Employee Ownership Foundation has a website with resources on how to sell your business using an ESOP, as well as information on the benefits of employee ownership.

Matt Damman.
Matt Damman

Matt graduated from the University of Michigan and holds an MBA in Finance & Supply Chain from Michigan State University.

Matt started his career in the tech industry before spending several years with a hedge fund, a boutique investment bank and then J.P.Morgan’s Private Bank. He left the banking industry to dive headfirst into the world of founding, fundraising, creating, buying and exiting several businesses along the way. Matt and his wife created Walkie Chalk, winning multiple "Toy of the Year" awards, taping on Shark Tank, and receiving a deal from Kevin O’Leary.

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