
How To Best Utilize A Business Strategy Consultant?

Business strategy consultants provide valuable services to businesses of all sizes by collecting and analyzing business data to help managers develop a plan of action to meet the company’s goals. If you own a business and aren’t sure how to drive better sales, streamline operations, manage your workforce, put your business up for sale or manage other aspects of the company, a business strategy consultant could help.

What is a Business Strategy Consultant?

When company leaders want guidance on specific aspects of business operations, they may bring in an objective third party to give new perspective on their business challenges. The business strategy consultant who fills this role usually has considerable industry knowledge and is able to assess and address a variety of business challenges skillfully and objectively:

1) Streamline customer lifecycle processes and procedures

2) Improve partner and vendor relationships

3) Lead transformative business strategy

4) Respond to new business opportunities

5) Create solutions to further develop client relationships

6) Evaluate and improve risk management strategies

7) Expand expertise in new industries or product specialties

8) Support processes that drive sound decision-making

9) Ensure industry-specific regulatory compliance and certifications are properly adhered to

10) Tackle critical business tasks that an in-house team may not have the time or expertise to address

11) International market expansion

Additionally, if you think you might want to sell your company, choosing the right business strategy consultant can help to assemble the ideal team of industry specialized investment bankers, transaction attorneys and other M&A experts to support your exit:

1) Obtain signed confidentiality agreements

2) Coordinate a targeted buy-side search based on client directives, industry trends, research and investment thesis

3) Create and present a detailed sell-side overview of the company

4) Define proper valuation range of the business

5) Create Quality of Earnings analysis

6) Introduce competition during negotiation

7) Manage final sales transaction details

Can The Right Strategy Consultant Help Save A Struggling Business?

For a business that is struggling to stabilize or grow, hiring the right business strategy consultant could be the difference between success and failure. For example, corporate turnaround specialists provide a variety of extremely strategic and necessary implementation solutions:

1) Back-office support, including financial best practices that may result in lowered costs / increased revenue

2) Production strategies to increase quality or efficiency

3) Opportunity management

4) Digital transformation solutions

5) Employee education and specialized training

6) Financial modeling and analysis

7) Employee downsizing strategies

8) IT assessments and audits

9) Cash Flow Management

10) Inventory Management

Frequently Asked Questions

What Makes A Great Business Strategy Consultant?

The best business strategy consultant for your business will be able to quickly understand your company’s vision, mission, and unique business challenges. The consultant should be deeply cognizant of the industry landscape and business options in the context of global, economic, technology and social trends. A great consultant should also be able to assist in elevating brand presence in the marketplace, coaching and mentoring and ensuring business outcomes are achieved.

What Is the Typical Engagement Length for a Business Strategy Consultant?

A business in need of guidance normally hires a business strategy consultant for a fixed period of time to solve a particular problem or need. If ongoing issues exist, the business is likely to hire permanent employees to manage those aspects of business operations.

A business strategy consultant can help you solve many problems. For example, a consultant might be asked to create a comprehensive staffing plan and recommend the number and types of employees the business should hire.

Brian Dukes.
Brian Dukes

Brian graduated from Michigan Technological University with a BS in Mechanical Engineering and as Captain of the Men's Basketball Team. After a four-year stint at Deloitte Consulting, Brian returned to school to get his MBA at the University of Michigan. Brian went on to join his first startup, a Ford Motor Company Joint Venture, and cofound a technology and digital marketing services agency. Through those experiences, Brian embraced the opportunity to provide M&A education and support to his fellow business owners as they navigated their own entrepreneurial journeys.

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